Our friend Monk has an exam that has quite weird rules. Each question has a difficulty level in the form of an Integer. Now, Monk can only solve the problems that have difficulty level less than X . Now the rules are-
- Score of the student is equal to the maximum number of answers he/she has attempted without skipping a question.
- Student is allowed to skip just "one" question that will not be counted in the continuity of the questions.
Note- Assume the student knows the solution to the problem he/she attempts and always starts the paper from first question.
Given the number of Questions, N ,the maximum difficulty level of the problem Monk can solve , X ,and the difficulty level of each question , can you help him determine his maximum score?
Input Format
First Line contains Integer N , the number of questions and the maximum difficulty X Monk can solve.
Next line contains N integers, denoting the difficulty level of each question.
Output Format
Maximum score Monk can achieve in the exam.
In this example, maximum difficulty = 6, Monk solves question 0 and 1, but skips the question 2 as A[2]>6. Monk then solves the question 3 , but stops at 4 because A[4]>6 and question 2 was already skipped. As 3 questions (0,1 and 3) were solved and 2 questions (2 and 4) have been skipped, therefore we print "3".