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Number of steps | Practice problem hackerearth Solution


You are given two arrays a1,a2,,an and b1,b2,,bn. In each step, you can set ai=aibi if aibi. Determine the minimum number of steps that are required to make all a's equal.

Input format

  • First line: n 
  • Second line: a1,a2,,an
  • Third line: b1,b2,,bn

Output format

Print the minimum number of steps that are required to make all a's equal. If it is not possible, then print -1.


1n, ai, bi5000

Sample input

5 6
4 3

Sample output


Sample Input
5 7 10 5 15
2 2 1 3 5
Sample Output
Time Limit: 1
Memory Limit: 256
Source Limit:


  Here I am going to give you two solution first by using C language and second by using c++ language . You can submit the second solution in the c++ , c++14 and c++17 also.

So let's go for the code.

C++ (Code):-

 This solution you can submit in the c++ ,c++14 and c++17 . it is acceptable in all these languages.

using namespace std;
int main()
  int n,k,steps=0;
  int i,a[n],b[n];
  return 0;

C (Code):-

int main()
    int n,k,steps=0;
    int i,a[n],b[n];
    return 0;

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  1. Anonymous18:42

    Thanks Bro

  2. Anonymous20:43

    I tried your mentioned C++ code, but it is not working. Some garbage value is being printed.
