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Showing posts with the label python_programsShow All
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Program for change formate of time from 12 to 24 hours
Bubble sort by python
python program on sieve of eratosthenes
python program to print fibonacci series by recursive function
python program to print the fibonacci series by iterative function.
Tower of hanoi by python
Write a python to print index of all occurrence of given element
write a python program to reverse a string
Write a python program to sort a string alphabetically
Write a python program to count the number of words ending with Y .
write a python program to convert given number of days to a measure of time given in year,weeks and days.
Python program to convert elements of tuple in to integer.
Python program to convert a string into tuple.
Python program to convert a tuple into string.
Python program to delete all duplicates from the list.
Take a list of 10 elements. Split into middle and store the element into two different lists.