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Python-Program of SSTF (Short seek time first )Disk scheduling Algorithms in operating system (OS).

   What is SSTF disk scheduling:-

                                                        Shortest seek time first (SSTF) algorithm selects the disk I/O request which requires the least disk arm movement from its current position regardless of the direction. It reduces the total seek time as compared to FCFS.

Example:-: Given the following queue -- 95, 180, 34, 119, 11, 123, 62, 64 with the Read-write head initially at the track 50 and the tail track being at 199.

  1. seek time reduces as compared to the FCFS
  2. Less waiting time and response time 
  3. Increase throughput.
  1. starvation occurred

  Python     C      C++  

import sys

n = int(input("Enter the number of Requests\n"))
RQ =list(map(int,input().split()))
print("Enter the Requests sequence")

initial = int(input("Enter initial head position\n"))

# logic for sstf disk scheduling

count = 0
TotalHeadMoment = 0

# loop will execute until all processes are completed
while count != n:
    mini = sys.maxsize
    d = index = 0
    for i in range(n):
        d = abs(RQ[i] - initial)
        if mini > d:
            mini = d
            index = i

    TotalHeadMoment += mini
    initial = RQ[index]
    RQ[index] = sys.maxsize
    count += 1

print("Total head movement is", TotalHeadMoment)


Enter the number of Request
Enter Request Sequence
95 180 34 119 11 123 62 64
Enter initial head Position
Total head movement is 236

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