You are given a number n.
A supernatural number is a number whose product of digits is equal to n, and in this number there is no digit 1.
Count the number of supernatural numbers for a given n.
Contains a single integer n, 1 <= n <= 100.
Print the number of supernatural numbers.
There are only two natural numbers, the product of the digits of which is 4 - 4, 22.
Here constrains for n is :- n<=100 so multiplication of digits of a number should be less than 100;
and 1 should not in supernatural number (according to question) so the minimum number is 2.
and when we multiply 2
2*2*2*2*2*2*2=128 (which is greater then 100)
So the maximum length of the number is 6.
and we have to check from 2 to 1000000 (maximum number) for all the number .
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Data structure:-
- Program to find cycle in the graph
- Implementation of singly link list
- Implementation of queue by using link list
- Algorithm of quick sort
- stack by using link list
- program to find preorder post order and inorder of the binary search tree
- Minimum weight of spanning tree
- Preorder, inorder and post order traversal of the tree
Key points:-
- How to set limit in the floating value in python
- What is boolean data type
- How to print any character without using format specifier