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Operators in C language

 operators:- An operators tells the compiler what operation  have to perform.  

Operators in C:-

  1. Arithmetic operators (+, - , * , /  , %  etc.);
  2.  Relational operator ( == , != , >, < , >= ,<= )
  3. Logical operators ( &&, ||, ! )
  4. Bitwise operators ( << , >> , & , ^)
  5. Assignment operators (= , += , -= , *= etc.) 
  6. Conditional operator ( ?:)
  7. Special operators ( & ,* (Pointer to a variable)) 
Operator precedence and Associativity in C:-
  1. Unary operators
  2. Arithmetic operators (*, /,%)
  3. Arithmetic operators (Add , substract)
  4. Relational operator
  5. Equality operator
  6. Logical AND
  7. Logical OR
  8. Conditional operator
  9. Assignment operator
  10. comma operator 
Video Lecture:-

Relational Operators:-  

logical operators:-

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