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Multiple choice questions on statistical techniques -III unit-5 engineering math-4 (AKTU).

Here In this post we will discuss the important questions of the statistical technique-III . These questions will help you in your mid semesters exams or the semester exams or any other competitive exams. And this will also help in your upcoming  AKTU semester exam. 

The topics cover in it are:-

Sampling, Testing of Hypothesis and Statistical Quality Control: Introduction , Sampling Theory (Small and Large) , Hypothesis, Null hypothesis, Alternative hypothesis, Testing a Hypothesis, Level of significance, Confidence limits, Test of significance of difference of means, T-test, F-test and Chi-square test, One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).Statistical Quality Control (SQC) , Control Charts , Control Charts for variables ( X and R Charts), Control Charts for Variables ( p, np and C charts).

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