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Student Advisor | Hackerrank certification solution

 Student Advisor | Hackerrank certification solution:-

A university has started a student-advisor plan which assigns a professor as an advisor to each student for academic guidance. Write a query to find the roll number and names of students who either have a male advisor with a salary of more than 15,000 or a female advisor with a salary of more than 20,000.\

There are two tables in the database: student_information and faculty information. The primary key of student_information is roll number whereas that of faculty_information is employee_ID.

 Student Advisor | Hackerrank certification solution:-

 The objective of code is write a query to find the roll number and names of students who either have a male advisor with a salary of more than 15,000 or a female advisor with a salary of more than 20,000.

Schema :-

Sample Data :-

Sample output:

2 Claire


  • Student with roll number 2 is advised by a male teacher with a salary of 21,000 which is more than 15,000 and hence is displayed in the output.
  • Students 1 and 3 are advised by a female teacher whose salary is less than 20,000 and hence are not present in the output.

Mysql code:-

SELECT s.roll_number, s.name from student_information s INNER JOIN faculty_information
f on s.advisor=f.employee_id where (f.gender="M" and f.salary>15000) or
(f.gender="F" and f.salary>20000)

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