You are given two integers A and B. A represents a coordinate on the X axis (0, A) and B represents a coordinate on the Y-axis (B,0) These are two co-ordinate points of a right-angled triangle, the third point being the origin(0,0). You will be given N such triangles in the input. Find out and print the length of hypotenuse of all the triangles.
The formula of the length of a hypotenuse = root(a² + b²) where a and b represent the length of the other two sides of the triangle.
If the length of the hypotenuse is in decimal, round it to the next greater integer.
Input Format:
The input consist is given in the following format:
- The first line contains an integer N denoting the number of triangles.
- The next N lines contain two space-separated integers representing A and B respectively.
The input will be read from the STDIN by the candidate
Output Format:
The output consists of N lines:
- Each line representing the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle. The output will be matched to the candidate's output printed on the STDOUT
- 1<=A,B<=10^9
20 21
8 15
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