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string Representation of objects certification test hackerrank solution


 Implement two vehicle classes:


• The constructor for Car must take two arguments. The first of them is its maximum speed, and the second one is a string that denotes the units in which the speed is given: either "km/h" or "mph".
• The class must be implemented to return a string based on the arguments. For example, if car is an object of class Car with a maximum speed of 120, and the unit is "km/h", then printing car prints the following string: "Car with the maximum speed of 120 km/h", without quotes. If the maximum speed is 94 and the unit is "mph", then printing car prints in the following string: "Car with the maximum speed of 94 mph", without q qrotes.


• The constructor for Boat must take a single argument denoting its maximum speed in knots.
• The class must be implemented to return a string based on the argument. For example, if boat is an object of class Boat with a maximum speed of 82, then printing boat prints the following string: "Boat with the maximum speed of 82 knots", without quotes.
The implementations of the classes will be tested by a provided code stub on several input files. Each input file contains several queries, and each query constructs an object of one of the classes. It then prints the string representation of the object to the standard output.


1 ≤ the number of queries in one test file ≤ 100


class Car:
def __init__(self,s,u):
def __str__(self):
return "Car with the maximum speed of "+str(self.s)+" "+self.u

class Boat:
def __init__(self,n):
def __str__(self):
return "Boat with the maximum speed of "+str(self.n)+" knots"
if __name__ == '__main__':
fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')
q = int(raw_input())
queries = []
for _ in xrange(q):
args = raw_input().split()
vehicle_type, params = args[0], args[1:]
if vehicle_type == "car":
max_speed, speed_unit = int(params[0]), params[1]
vehicle = Car(max_speed, speed_unit)
elif vehicle_type == "boat":
max_speed = int(params[0])
vehicle = Boat(max_speed)
raise ValueError("invalid vehicle type")
fptr.write("%s\n" % vehicle)
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