Find Total Sum:-
Write a program to calculate and return the sum of absolute difference between the adjacent number in an array of positive integers from the position entered by the user.
Note : You are expected to write code in the findTotalSum function only which receive three positional arguments:
1st : number of elements in the array
2nd : array
3rd : position from where the sum is to be calculated
Sample Input
input 1 : 7
input 2 : 11 22 12 24 13 26 14
input 3 : 5
The first parameter 7 is the size of the array. Next is an array of integers and input 5 is the position from where you have to calculate the Total Sum. The output is 25 as per calculation below.
| 26-13 | = 13
| 14-26 | = 12
Total Sum = 13 + 12 = 25
Find Total Sum:-
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