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Practice question based on loops.

Here I will give some practice question based on loops . So solve this questions for better understanding .

C program based on loops:-

  • Write a program to print Your name 5 times on the screen.

  • Write a program to print first 10 natural numbers.

  • Write a program to print first 10 natural numbers in reverse order.

  • Write a program to print first N natural numbers. (N is given by user)

  • Write a program to print first N natural numbers in reverse order. (N is given by user).

  • Write a program to print first 10 even natural number.

  • Write a program to print first 10 odd natural numbers.

  • Write a program to print first N even natural numbers.

  • Write a program to print first N odd natural numbers.

  • Write a program to print first N even natural numbers in reverse order.

  • Write a program to print first N odd natural numbers in reverse order.

  • Write a program to print table of user’s choice.

  • Write a program to calculate sum of first N natural numbers .

  • Write a program to calculate product of first N natural numbers.

  • Write a program to calculate factorial of a number.

  • Write a program to calculate sum of first N even natural numbers.

  • Write a program to calculate sum of first N odd natural numbers.

  • Write a program to calculate x power y.(when user input x is 2 and y is 3 then the result will be 8).

  • Write a program to count digits in a given number.

  • Write a program to calculate sum of the digits of a given number.

  • Write a program to reverse a number.

  • Write a program to print all Armstrong numbers under 1000.

  • Write a program to calculate LCM of two numbers.

  • Write a program to calculate HCF of two numbers.

  • Write a program to check whether a given number is prime or not.

  • Write a program to print all prime numbers between two given numbers.

  • Write a program to print all prime factors of a given number. For example prime factors of 36 are 2,2,3,3.

  • Write a program to print first N terms of Fibonacci series.

  • Write a program  to convert binary to Decimal number.

👉Function in C

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