What is switch case:-
Switch case is a decision making construct which provide multiway alternative based on the selective expression . It has following syntax.
switch(expression )
case label 1: // statement if expr matches to the label 1
case label 2: // statement if expr matches to the label 2
case label n: // statement if expr matches to the label n
default : // statement if expression does not matches with any label's
Expression:- Expression is combination of operands and operators.
Working of switch case:-
- First of all expression is calculated.
- The result of the expression is matches with labels one by one (label 1,label 2,label 3 up to label n).
- If the result of the expression is matches with 'label i' than the statement corresponding to the label i will be executed. If a break statement is encountered then flow of control goes outside of the switch block and continue to execute next statement after switch block.
Example:- Write a program to display a food menu to the user .
int main()
int ch;
printf("1. Tea\n");
printf("2. Samosa\n");
printf("3. Cake\n");
printf("Enter your choice \n");
case 1: printf("OK , You will get tea\n ");
case 2 : printf("OK , You will get samosa\n");
case 3: printf("OK , You will get cake\n");
default: printf("You entered wrong choice\n");
return 0;
1. Tea
2. Samosa
3. Cake
Enter your choice
OK , You will get tea
Practice question based on switch case :- Click here
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