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Lex program to find the number of vowel and consonant in the string.

  In this program we have to find the number of vowels and consonant in a given string. This is a lex program so first we have to know how to run a lax program in ubuntu and what is the format of the program . The lex files are save in file_name.l and for running a lex file we use  some command which are given below:-


int ac=0;
int bc=0;
[aeiouAEIOU] {ac++;}
[a-zA-z] {bc++;}
int yywrap() {}
int main()
printf("Enter the string \n");
printf("THe number of vowel are %d\n",ac);
printf("The number of consonant is %d",bc);
return 0;


 One more thing you have to know for terminate the program press Ctrl+d then it will print the output.

Enter the string
this is easycodingzone
THe number of vowel are 8
The number of consonant is 12

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