There are N warehouses. The warehouses are located in a straight line and are indexed from 1 to N. Each warehouse contains some number of sacks.
A thief decides to rob these warehouses. Thief figured out that he can escape the police if and only if he follows both the following 2 constraints:
- He will rob only one continuous segment of warehouses.
- He will rob same number of sacks from each warehouse.
Thief wants to calculate the maximum number of sacks he can steal without getting caught by the police.
Input Format:
The first line contains an integer T denoting number test cases.
The first line of each test case contains a single integer N denoting number of warehouses.
The second line of each test case contains N space-separated integers : denotes number of sacks in warehouse.
Output Format:
Output exactly T lines.
The line should contain a single integer, i.e the answer for testcase(maximum number of sacks thief can steal without getting caught).
In first test case thief will steal 2 sacks from each warehouse from 1 to 4.
you can submit this solution by using the language c++, c++14 and c++17.
This is your choice that you want to use this or not but in some cases the code may take more time in execution and that time we need it .
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