For start coding in C- language first of all we have to include Header files ( All the definitions and declaration of keywords are in the header files so it is essential to include it ). Generally we include to header files stdio.h and conio.h and other use like for mathematical operation we use math.h. In some compilers if we does not use it then may be their will be no errors but these are essential to add . So by an example we will learn how we can include these header file and how can we start coding.
Before starting programming we should know about some keywords :-
int :- It is used for integer variable .
printf() : - it is used for printing anything on the console (screen) .
scanf() :- it is used for taking input from the user.
1) Write a C program to print "Hello world " .
- Semicolon are the terminator in the C-programming. And each statement are must be terminated by semicolon.
- Comments in the programming are very useful for understanding the code .when any other person is reading your code then that time comments are very useful for understanding your code.
- In C there are two methods for writing the comment . first by using '// ' (without quotes) but this is single line comment . And second method is /*.................*/ and by using this method we can write multiline comments.
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