In the string.h header file there are lots of function define which we can use directly we makes our work easy. Some important function are as follow:-
1. strlen() :-
strlen() is a predefine function which is declare in string.h . By using strlen() we can find the length of the string.
Syntax:- strlen( string_name );
int main()
char s[]="EasyCodingZone";
int len;
printf("Length of the string is %d",len);
return 0;
Length of the string is 14
2) strcpy():-
By using strcpy function we can copy a string into another string. It copies the contents of source string to destination string.
Syntax:- strcpy(destination_string , source_string );
int main()
char s[]="EasyCodingZone" ;
char str[50];
printf("The source string is %s\n",s);
printf("The copy string is %s",str);
return 0;
The source string is EasyCodingZone
The copy string is EasyCodingZone
3) strcmp():-
It compare the two strings .If both the string is equal then it return 0 otherwise return non-zero.
Syntax:- strcpm(str1 , str2 );
int main()
char s1[]="EasyCodingZone" ;
char s2[]="ZoneEasyCoding";
int ans;
printf(" The value return by strcmp is %d",ans);
return 0;
Since both the strings are not equal to it will return an non-zero value.
The value return by strcmp is -21
4) strcat():-
It concatenates the two strings . In this we pass two function and it concatenate the second argument to the first argument .
Syntax:- strcat(str1 ,str2 );
int main()
char s1[100]="This is " ;
char s2[]="EasyCodingZone";
printf("Final string is ' %s '",s1);
return 0;
Final string is ' This is EasyCodingZone '
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