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Practice questions on 2D array

 Here in this article we will learn how to take input of a two array and display it . two dimensional array is an array of array where it can be consider that a two D array is nothing but a 1-D array where each element is itself an array.

/* Program to take input of a two dimensional array and display it */


int main()
int a[50][50],i,j,n,m;
printf("Enter the number of row and column \n");
printf("Enter the element of the array\n");
printf("The elements of the array are:-\n");
printf("%d ",a[i][j]);
return 0;



Enter the number of row and column
2 3
Enter the element of the array
1 2 3
4 5 6
The elements of the array are:-
1 2 3
4 5 6

More practice question on 2D array:-

 1) WAP to sum all the elements of the 2D array.
 2) WAP to copy all the elements of the input 2D array into another 2D array.
 3) WAP to sum odd row index and even column index elements.
 4)  WAP to add two input 2D array.
 5) WAP to Transpose of an input 2D array.
 6) WAP to find the sum of diagonal elements of the 2D array.
 7) WAP to multiply the two 2D arrays .

For more practice questions Click Here.

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