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Sparse matrix in data structure.

 sparse matrices and their representation

Relatively high proportion of element of zero element entire and number of rows and column are equal so that type of  matrices is known as sparse matrices. It is also known as n^2 matrices. 

classification of sparse matrices:

sparse matrix are depend upon the entry non-zero element

1) Triangular sparse:-    triangular sparse are divided into two type--
    i) Lower triangular sparse matrix.
    ii)Upper triangular  sparse matrix.

2)Tridiagonal sparse matrix. 

i) Lower Triangular matrices:---
                                             In this  matrices entries of the non-zero element in the lower part of the matrix.

ii) Upper Triangular matrices:-- 
                                            In this matrices entries of non zero element in the upper part of the matrix.

2) Tridiagonal Sparse matrices:--
                                              In this type of matrices entries of non zero element in the main diagonal of the matrix.

Sparse matrix in data structure:-

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