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Write a C program to convert specified days into years, weeks and days. Note: Ignore leap year.

 Here in this post we will write a program to count the year , month and the days in a given number of days. for this we have to ignore the leap years, we will assume that there is 365 days in a year and the 30 days in the month and the 7 days in a week. So our objective is to 

Program:-WAP to convert a specified days into year , weeks and days .


int main()
int n;
printf("Enter the number of days\n");
int y,w,d,r;
printf("year = %d \n week= %d \n days = %d",y,w,d);
return 0;


Enter the number of days
year = 3
week= 33
days = 3


,write a program to convert specified days into years weeks and days in python,

,write a program to convert days into years weeks and days in c,

,write a program to convert days into years months and days,

,write a program to convert days into years weeks and days in java,

,write a program to convert days into years months and days in c,

,write a c program to convert a given number of days into months and days,

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