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Web technology lab programs AKTU

 Here in this article we are going to discuss all the programs of the web technology lab ..These programs are beneficial to the student who studies in the aktu or any other university .So lets start with the programs .

Web technology lab programs AKTU:-

  1. Write a program to create a HTML Form
  2. write a program to implement constructor in java.
  3. WAP to implement multiple inheritance in java.
  4. WAP to implement interface in java
  5. WAP to show function overloading in java
  6. WAP to Show operator overriding in java.
  7. WAP to handle in exception by using try with multiple catch;
  8. WAP for Handling of user define exception.
  9. WAP to implement multithreading without using set priority method.
  10. WAP to implement multithreading with set priority method
  11. WAP to create a package in java.
  12. WAP to create a package and import a another package in it
These are the web technology lab programs AKTU . This will help you in creating  of lab files of web technology .

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