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multiple choice questions (MCQs ) of 8085 microprocessor (AKTU )

Here I will give you Top- 100+ multiple choice question related to the 8085 microprocessor which will help in you college or university examinations, in your mid semester examination and in your upcoming AKTU examination .


51. The instruction PCHL, in 8085 is used for

a.Load PC with contents of HL.

b.Load HL with contents of memory location pointed by PC.

c.Load HL with contents of PC

d.Load PC with the contents of memory location pointed by HL pair.

Answer. a

52. Find the content of the accumulator after the execution of the following program:

 MVI A, F0 H



 a. 00 H

 b. F0 H

 c. 0F H

 d. FF H


53. The following program starts at location 0100 H


LXI H, 0701 H

MVI A, 20 H


The content of accumulator when the program counter reaches 0107 H is

a.20 H

b.02 H

c.00 H

d. FF H

Answer. c

54. The difference between 8085 instructions RST n and PCHL is

a.RST n is equivalent to a sub-routine call while PCHL is equivalent to unconditional branch.

b.RST n uses direct addressing while PCHL uses register indirect addressing.

c.RST n is a software interrupt while PCHL simulates a hardware interrupt

d.RST n resets the processor while PCHL restarts the processor.

Answer. a

55. The content of accumulator are 70 H. Initially all flags are zero. What will be values of CY and S after executing instruction RLC?

a.CY = 0 and S = 0

b.CY = 1 and S = 1

c.CY = 1 and S = 0

d.CY = 0 and S = 1


56. The instruction that exchanges top of stack with HL pair is





Answer. d

57. The following instruction copies a byte of data from the accumulator into the memory address given in the instruction

a.STA address


c.LHLD address

d.LDA address

Answer. a

58. In 8085 microprocessor, during PUSH PSW Operation, Stack pointer is

a.Decremented by one

b.Decremented by two

c.Incremented by one

d.Incremented by two

Answer. b

59. The description of a program counter (PC) in 8085 microprocessor is

a.An up/down counter

b.An 8-bit register

c.Initialized automatically by microprocessor

d.Used to point to stack memory area

Answer. c

60. If the status of the control lines SI and SO is LOW, then 8085 microprocessor is performing

a.Reset operation

b.HOLD operation

c.Halt operation

d.Interrupt acknowledge

Answer. c

61. The opcode for the instruction “Add Immediately to Accumulator with carry” in 8085 microprocessor is





Answer. b

62. If the status of the control lines SI and SO is LOW, then 8085 microprocessor is performing

a.Reset operation

b.HOLD operation

c.Halt operation

d.Interrupt acknowledge

Answer: c

63. The description of a program counter (PC) in 8085 microprocessor is

a.An up/down counter

b.An 8-bit register

c.Initialized automatically by microprocessor

d.Used to point to stack memory area

Answer: c

64. For which one of the following, the instruction XRA A in 8085 microprocessor can be used?

a.Set the carry flag

b.Set the zero flag

c.Reset the carry flag and clear the accumulator

d.Transfer FFH to the accumulator

Answer. b

65. What is the correct 8085 assembly language instruction that stores the contents of H and L registers into the memory locations 1080 H and 1081 H respectively?

a.SPHL 1080 H

b.SHLD 1080 H

c.STAX 1080 H

d.SPHL 1081 H

Answer. b

66. When the operand requires for instruction is stored inside the processor, then What this addressing mode is called?





Answer. b

67. Which one of the following addressing technique is not used in 8085 microprocessor?



c.Register indirect


Answer. d

68. In an instruction of 8085 microprocessor, how many bytes are present?

a.One or two

b.One, two or three

c.One only

d.Two or three

Answer. b

69. Which one is the indirect addressing mode in the following instructions?

a.LXI H 2050 H

b.MOV A, B


d.LDA 2050 H

Answer. c

70. The addressing mode used in the instruction JMP F347 H in case of an Intel 8085A microprocessor is which one of the following?





Answer. d

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Top-100 questions of 8085 microprocessor

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