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C program to construct a Fibonacci series upto n terms.


 C program to construct a Fibonacci series up to n terms 

Given a number n , write a program to construct a Fibonacci series up to n terms . So first we have to know what is Fibonacci series . 

 what is fibonacci series:- 

                     In the Fibonacci series every elements are the some of two elements before it.

Fibonacci Sequence = 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ….

Sample input


Sample output

0 1 1 2 3 5

 C program to construct a Fibonacci series up to n terms 

The objective of the code is to construct a Fibonacci series up to given number of terms .


int main()
int n,pp=0,p=1,nx,i; //pp=previous previous term
// p=previous term,nx=next term
printf("Enter the nunber of term in fibonacci series\n");
printf("%d %d ",pp,p);
printf("%d ",nx);
return 0;


Enter the number of term in Fibonacci series
0 1 1 2 3 5

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