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Student Analysis | Hackerrank certification solution

Student Analysis | Hackerrank certification solution :-

A school recently conducted its annual examination and wishes to know the list of academically low performing students to organize extra classes for them. Write a query to return the roll number and names of students who have a total of less than 100 marks including all 3 subjects.

Student Analysis | Hackerrank certification solution :-

Write a query to return the roll number and names of students who have a total of less than 100 marks including all 3 subjects.

Student Analysis | Hackerrank certification solution :-

There are two tables: student_information and examination_marks. Their primary keys are roll number.

Sample Data table :-

Sample Output:-

2 Rachel
3 Christopher


The cumulative marks of student with roll numbers 1, 2 and 3 are 144, 70 and 77. Since student 2 and 3 have a total of less than 100, their names and roll numbers are displayed

Mysql Code:-

select s.roll_number, s.name from student_information s INNER join examination_marks e
on s.roll_number=e.roll_number where (e.subject_one+e.subject_two+e.subject_three)<100

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