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C++ program to receive marks of physics, chemistry & maths from user & check its eligibility for course

C++ program to receive marks of physics, chemistry & maths from user & check its eligibility for course 

Given marks of the subjects , Write a program to receive marks of physics, chemistry & math's from user & check its eligibility for course if a) Marks of physics > 40 b) Marks of chemistry > 50 c) Marks of math’s > 60 d) Total of physics & math’s marks > 150 or e) Total of three subjects marks > 200 . 

Sample input
50 60 100   (Marks of Physics , chemistry and math's)

Sample Output
You are eligible for the course

C++ program to receive marks of physics, chemistry & maths from user & check its eligibility for course 

The objective of the code is to check the eligibility for the course .

using namespace std;
int main()
int phy,che,math,total,PM;
cout<<"Enter the marks of the physics chemistry and math's\n";
if(phy>40 && che>50 && math>60 && (PM>150||total>200))
cout<<"You are eligible for the course\n";
cout<<"Not eligible\n";
return 0;


Enter the marks of the physics chemistry and math's
50 60 100
You are eligible for the course

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